24/7 Media, New York, reached an agreement with Netscape Communications Corp., Mountain View, CA, to include sections of the Netscape portal site, also known as Netcenter, in advertising packages.
Netcenter content will be included in the run-of-network packages, which are advertising packages that include all the sites represented by the network. Sections of Netcenter will also be available in run-of-channel packages, which bundle content together in 17 channels, or subject areas.
The network would not release which parts of Netcenter would be included in the packages, noting that specifics were still being finalized. Because of the way the sections will be sold, the content is less important than the reach, said Leslie Howard, 24/7 marketing director.
“This is for advertisers looking to expand their reach. It's not for advertisers looking for specific content because you can not buy specific content,” she said.
24/7 Media claims to reach more than one out of three online users through its 24/7 Network, its CLIQNOW! networks and its ContentZone network. The company provides a variety of Internet advertising and online solutions to advertisers.