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Stop the Traffik unveils rebrand for 20th anniversary

Traffik Rebrand Anniversary
Traffik Rebrand Anniversary

Human trafficking charity, Stop the Traffik, has introduced a new visual identity as a part of a major rebranding initiative instigated in anticipation of their 20th anniversary next year.

The rebrand features a refreshed, more contemporary logo while maintaining the charity’s primary mission to combat human trafficking. This transition marks an important new phase for the organization as they aim to expand their reach and escalate awareness.

One of the key objectives of the rebranding is to underscore the preventative measures effectively taken by the charity, rather than only spotlighting the severe consequences of human trafficking. The novel direction attempts to inspire a wider audience to play an active role in better understanding and supporting the organization’s mission.

Integral to this new approach is the philosophy of curtailing human trafficking before it takes hold, leveraging technology, data, and collaboration as defensive methods. The new slogan, ‘prevention focused, intelligence-led’ encapsulates this philosophy.

An innovative element of the rebrand is the distinctive ‘stop arrow’ logo, which points in reverse. This design contradicts common forward-pointing arrow logos, emphasizing the importance of prevention before aftermath.

Rebranding Stop the Traffik: A new phase

The arrow also serves multiple roles, representing the organization’s identity and its data-driven approach to battle human trafficking.

The new logo connects seamlessly with the striking typography, utilizing the Bunch Extra Bold typeface by Type Everything. The design balances gravity with individuality, working in tune with both the vibrant color scheme and a series of illustrations that respectfully obscure the portrayed faces.

The rebranding extends beyond just a fresh visual identity. It provides Stop the Traffik with a holistic brand toolkit and digital motion identity. It’s already being utilized in promotional materials, their mobile app and their social media presence, augmenting user experience and showcasing the organization’s ongoing commitment against human trafficking.

This rebranding effort represents a cooperative endeavor between a larger agency and the brand design studio, aiming to maintain focus on Stop the Traffik during their landmark anniversary year and beyond. The updated visual identity is not only aesthetically pleasing but also bolsters the organization’s dedication to raise awareness and advocate change.

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