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84 Percent of Millennials Act on Push Notifications

Marketers who have a difficult time reaching millennials should take note: 84% of Gen Y acts on push notifications for location-based apps.

According to a recent study from Retale, millennial men (86%) are more likely to respond to push notifications than their female counterparts (79%).

“Millennials are heavily reliant on their mobile devices, and push notifications are an ideal way to connect with them about the latest offerings from brands and retailers,” said Pat Dermody, president of Retale, in a press release. “The numbers show clearly that, for most millennials, well-executed push notifications are not too pushy.”

In addition, the research shows that 94% of the coming-of-age generation are using location-based services—with 97% of iPhone owners and 93% of Android users partaking in such services. 

Millennials play favorites
Almost nine out of 10 (89%) millennials are likely to act on a notification received from their favorite brand—again with males (91%) more likely to do so than women (85%).

Also, when it comes to the type of information preferred, millennials want info about: a “coupon, discount, or deal for immediate use” (61%); “customer rewards” (61%); “new product information and sale availability” (35%); “nearby store locations and store hours” (35%); “receipts after completing a purchase” (27%): and “in-store guidance on where things are” (16%).

Relevance is key
Millennials did open up about what makes them less likely to respond to a push notification. The most popular answers are: “notifications aren’t relevant enough” (39%); “notifications feel intrusive” (34%); “they send me too many” (25%); “notifications don’t include deals” (14%); and notifications are poorly timed” (11%).

“Of course, relevancy is critical for millennials to accept push notifications,” Dermody said in the release. “Retailers that share relevant material and are respectful of millennials’ time will ultimately increase the amount of content millennials will engage with.” 

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