Microsoft has made polling software Bing Pulse available as a self-service tool. It previously was only available through managed service.
The Gmail Inbox product team hosted a Reddit AMA, answering the question about how advertisers felt about the promotions tab.
When we first launched the tabbed Inbox in Gmail, sure as with any big change to email, there was some concern from advertisers, but the direct marketing community realized pretty quickly the benefits as well. For advertisers, each type of mail now has its own dedicated place in the inbox, where it’s a first-class citizen – less likely to be considered intrusive or cluttering, and not in competition with other types of mail. Bundling promotions together is kind of like a DVR: it allows users to read promotions on their own schedule. That’s good for everyone.
Verizon quietly closed down its branded content site Sugarstring. A spokesperson told Mashable that the site was always intended to be an experiment. The site has been registered in June 2014 and only recently was made public.