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Expand2Web partners with Cashie Commerce

Expand2Web has partnered with Cashie Commerce to launch an integrated e-commerce plug-in on its website offerings, says Expand2Web president Don Campbell.

Expand2Web serves small business owners who want to create and manage an online presence by offering WordPress websites and marketing strategies for establishing online business, says Campbell, citing chiropractors, optometrists and dentists as examples of the company’s clientele.

“As these small businesses start to build capability with us, many of them want to add e-commerce to their website,” says Campbell, noting that a chiropractor, for example, may also sell exercise equipment and nutritional supplements. “E-commerce was outside of our area of expertise,” says Campbell, adding that the company had been researching a number of e-commerce vendors and chose Cashie Commerce because it’s simple to use and integrates PayPal. 

“It’s a big deal for us, because it opens up our market to new customers that want e-commerce that may not have considered us before,” Campbell says.

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