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Singles get their own title

Singular Communications, a new publishing venture based in Los Angeles, will launch Singular magazine, SingularCity.com and an events series this fall.

The glossy magazine will focus on the lifestyles of educated, high-income, single adults 30 years or older in the Los Angeles area — Singular‘s key demographic. At the end of August, Singular’s first issue will be mailed directly to 63,000 qualified adults in and around Santa Monica, CA. Another 5,000 issues will be available on select newsstands, via subscription and at SingularCity events.

“As far as I know, this is the first, beautifully produced, high production value print magazine with a [complementary] social networking Web site and events to ever hit the market of single adults,” said Kim Calvert, co-founder and editorial director of Singular City, in an e-mail interview. “We have a great sense of mission too — to tell the world what it really means to be single in 2008 as opposed to the lingering negative image of what that meant in the 1950s.”

InfoUSA is providing the list of qualified mail recipients, which will be updated with each bimonthly issue. Singular is also finding qualified readers through its Web site, and those who meet certain criteria will be offered a free issue once they complete an online survey. SingularCity.com will feature a calendar of events, bulletin boards and blogs.

An initial brochure Web site has been launched to explain SingularCity and build buzz for the full release. Calvert said that in a year she would like to see 50 strong advertiser commitments and 15,000 paid subscribers. She also hopes to get 100,000 members on SingularCity.com and to eventually syndicate the magazine in major cities throughout the US.

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