George Ryan has been appointed President and CEO of The Printing Association of Florida, Sewickley, PA, effective this October.
Mr. Ryan will be replacing Michael Streibig, who announced his retirement in March. Mr. Streibig will stay on board until the end of the year to ensure a smooth transition.
“George Ryan is an accomplished industry executive whose background blends expertise in operations, program management, strategic planning, human resources, finance and sales,” said Michael Streibig, president and CEO, The Printing Association of Florida. “In addition, his industry background was outstanding fit to the criteria established by our search committee.”
Prior to his hire, Mr. Ryan was executive vice president and chief operating officer of PIA/GATF. Before that, he was president of the Graphic Arts Technical Foundation.
“I’m excited to take over the reigns of one of the most successful PIA/GATF affiliates; however, it will be difficult to leave my staff, peers and the leadership of the PIA/GATF,” Mr. Ryan said. “Mike Streibig’s contribution to Florida’s printing and graphic arts industry has been significant and his 14 years and accomplishments as president and CEO will be a hard act to follow.”