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Widgets, Wadgets and Wedgets

Just a note to let you know I loved this piece (“Merkle’s David Williams: Database Marketing Is Too Narrowly Focused on Lists and Analytics,” DM News’ Essential Guide to Lists, Database Marketing and Data Services, Jan. 16).

“We want widget buyers.” Well, wouldn’t you also like to target the buyers who will be interested in the wadget and the wedget you have scheduled to come out in Q2? That would really help your ROI and bottom line … you would be marketing to the same people three times, it will also help your brand identity and increase customer loyalty and revenue streams later.

“We just want leads for the widget.”

Thanks for letting me know I am not the only one who thinks like you do, David. The short sight of the client’s C-level execs and even brokers can be frustrating when there is so much more potential in database marketing to “e-value-ate” the customer/consumer based on so many characteristics.

This is a very difficult topic to talk about, but you did a great job articulating it in a very succinct way. Thanks again, I immensely enjoyed the read.

Andrea Senteney, Senior media specialist, MediaHeights LLC

Dover, NH


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