The owners of Edith Roman Associates, Pearl River, NY, won't launch new company E-Post Direct until next week at the DMA's 81st Annual Conference in San Francisco, but they already have put into practice a proprietary method of enhancing lists with e-mail addresses.
E-Post Direct is sending electronic invitations to visit its booth to a list formed by appending the fall show registration list with e-mail addresses. The new company, headed by president Michelle Feit, will offer all the services a client would need to launch an e-mail campaign, including e-mail list management, posting and transmission of e-mail lists, database and campaign management as well as copy, graphic and banner creation.
“We want to apply lessons of direct response to the Internet, because we feel like no one else has done this,” Feit said.
Edith Roman now manages more than half a million opt-in e-mail addresses that it claims are 100 percent deliverable. Those files will be transferred to E-Post Direct and act as a starting point to build its e-mail business.
E-Post Direct, which can enhance up to 30 percent of a list with e-mail addresses, will charge $250 per thousand to enhance a mailer's list and send a first transmission. That enhancement cost of 25 cents per name compares to the $20 to $30 per name being spent by customers on their own, according to Edith Roman president Stevan Roberts.
Its database and campaign management services will let clients gather information from different sources in one central place. The database will track customers' preferences such as whether they like to receive plain text or HTML messages and if they like to opt in or opt out of future mailings. With this data, messages can be populated with personal information to increase response rates.
Aware of the stringent privacy protections being applied to e-mail, E-Post Direct will only send additional messages to recipients who take action by opting in to a first message and will include an opt-out option on each subsequent transmission.
Roberts said e-mail is a much more profitable business model for marketers than any other application of the Internet.
“E-mail makes a ton of money for clients,” he said. “It reaches people where they are when they want to be reached.”