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Open System Partnerships, Open System Solutions

SEATTLE–The following are some open system partnerships and solutions that offer data access with nonproprietary industry-standard hardware and software announced at NCDM late last month:

* NCR Corp., a database warehouse vendor that offers database marketing solutions for the retail and telecommunications industry, announced it will integrate campaign management capabilities via Exchange Applications.

* Paragren Technologies Inc., Reston, VA, a relationship marketing vendor, announced relationships with several vendors, including data-mining software vendor Thinking Machines Corp., Burlington, MA; Red Brick Systems Inc., Los Gatos, CA, a data-warehouse company; and Rubric Inc., San Mateo, CA, a marketing automation software vendor. According to Paragren, these solutions will enhance its One By One Suite of marketing applications, which includes data management, campaign management, professional services and panel data.

* DynaMark Inc., St. Paul, MN, a Fair Isaac Co., said it will incorporate Prime Vantage campaign manager from Prime Response Inc., Denver, into its integrated database marketing solution. DynaMark also is working with Information Advantage Inc. for its OLAP tools.

* KnowledgeBase Marketing Inc., Chapel Hill, NC, highlighted its already formed solution, which includes tools from Customer Management Services, Chapel Hill, NC, a database management and data analytics company; Dynamic Marketing Services Inc., Houston, a processing and fulfillment company; and I Rent America, Richardson, TX, a list firm. While this company offers an integrated solution, unlike the others, it keeps its businesses separate.

Some traditional proprietary database marketing vendors exhibited open system solutions at the NCDM show for the first time as well:

* Experian North America, Orange, CA, announced version 2.0 of its database marketing solution, Intelligen.

“[Intelligen] is designed to give vertical industry customers access to data in their company's data warehouse,” said Bob Merlo, vice president of Experian Database Marketing Solutions, formerly Customer Insight Co., “and let users move from one function — such as campaign management, query tools or report viewers — to the next seamlessly.”

The system also connects to all major relational database marketing systems, including Oracle, Sybase and Informix.

* Harte-Hanks Direct Marketing, Billerica, MA, also exhibited its Operational Marketing Environment, which is the company's first foray into open relational database systems.

“Our system is an opening platform through which [customers] can input any major campaign management or query tools that they choose,” said C. David Cameron, vice president at Harte-Hanks.

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