Adweek gave a write up to a Q&A-marketing platform BumeBox, which recently expanded to Facebook. BumeBox helps brands and celebrities identify the questions from true fans that matter during chaotic live chats. While Twitter has historically been the preferred outlet for moderated Q&As, Adweek found that VH1, Discovery Channel and Sony Masterworks are all testing BumeBox on Facebook.
John Hall, a contributor at Forbes, has a top-five list of marketing trends, highlighting the importance of solid marketing tech.
Brands should constantly be looking at new and growing technology platforms and be OK with leaving some of their traditional marketing practices at the door.
Marketing technology is missing out on its promise, due to over reliance on existing frameworks found Tom Goodwin, CEO and founder of the Tomorrow Group. He wrote in the Guardian that the only way to right this wrong is to completely rebuild the “agency environment” and start again.
And finally, app makers rejoice! Twitter is extending an olive branch towards them by loosening its restrictions on what developers can build for its platform. It’s even introducing a new set of developer tools, all to be announced at developer’s conference on Wednesday, its first one in years. All this means marketers can expect to see better applications that will allow them to harness the power of Twitter.