Options Media/1Touch Marketing is now offering video search engine optimization (SEO) to its clients to help optimize brands’ videos and place them on numerous video search engines like YouTube, Google Video and others.
Options Media/1Touch Marketing also is giving advertisers the option of adding SMS keyword tags. With these, a consumer may see a graphic instructing them to text in a short code for more information about or an offer from the company while watching a video.
When companies’ videos are available on numerous Web sites, they’re more likely to show up in organic searches on sites like Google and Yahoo, said John Mastrangelo, CSO of Options Media/1Touch Marketing.
The company would not name specific clients.
Because each video has the potential to make it into search results, this method can prove much more effective than simply optimizing a company’s main Web site, said Carol Lustig, marketing director of the company.
Forrester Research’s Nate Elliot backs up this assertion. In a blog post last month, he wrote, “…[O]n the keywords for which Google offers video results, any given video in the index stands about a 50 times better chance of appearing on the first page of results than any given text page in the index.”
The software is especially effective for those in the local search market looking to differentiate themselves from competitors on the Web, said Anthony Bumbaca, SVP of Options Media/1Touch Marketing, citing company examples such as car dealerships and doctors’ offices.
The amount of people searching for online video is growing every day, Mastrangelo said. “People want to be entertained when they’re looking for information,” he continued, “They don’t want to wade through three pages of text on a Web site to find [that] information.”