Coming off the heels of the 2015 Consumer Electronics Show, innovation and technology remain hot topics for marketers in retail, across all verticals.
This year at the National Retail Federation’s yearly convention, it seems that marketers are particularly concerned with technology, the role that tech plays in the shopping experience, and future of technology the retail sector—at least that seems to be the tone of the social media banter around this year’s big show in New York.
Though the show officially wrapped up yesterday, Twitter was the forum of choice during the three-day event, with attendants quoting and continuing conversation from the show floor.
Brick & Code is future of retail?
#shopwithme #nrf15
— Krish Avanoor (@kavanoor) January 14, 2015
Next inflection points for retail? same day delivery, more selling space vs inventory space. Experience matters more than stuff. #nrf15
— Ricardo Belmar (@ricardo_belmar) January 14, 2015
U.S. consumers spent $9.14 billion on mobile entertainment in 2014, close to the $10.35 billion they spent on movie tickets last year #NRF15
— Dan Stiel (@stiel) January 14, 2015
#NRF15 3amazing & intensive days! #Retailers want 2 have real #Omnichannel solutions & not just an #Onlineshop on a #Tablet! @RetailsBIGShow
— Christian Litsch (@ChristianLitsch) January 14, 2015
Brooks Brothers CIO at #NRF15 – “You need visibility across channels to engage customers. Cloud is new paradigm for global, real-time data.”
— Tom Glason (@tomglason) January 14, 2015
The new 4P’s: “@RetailsBIGShow: Purpose, people, process & products. A core purpose will drive the rest forward. @rsafian #nrf15”
— Rex Lee (@eelxer) January 14, 2015
On driving change and innovation remember overall unifying goal is improving the #customerexperience @Kohls #nrf15 #smarterretail
— Lydie Gement (@lydiegement) January 14, 2015
It is not the strongest of the species that survives nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change #nrf15 #darwin
— Christy Love (@sayschristylove) January 14, 2015
NRF says Nov-Dec retail sales rose 4%, with nonstore sales (incl e-commerce) up 6.8%
— Julie Hyman (@juleshyman) January 14, 2015
I must have heard the words “omnichannel” and “solution” uttered a million times each this week at #nrf15
— Will Hernandez (@W_Hernandez16) January 14, 2015