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Are Consumers More Open to Ads?

Streaming Ads
Streaming Ads

The television viewing habits of the general public have changed dramatically in recent years. Traditional TV viewing habits are being replaced by new trends that are shaping the advertising landscape as a result of the proliferation of streaming platforms and the availability of diverse content. In exchange for free streaming services, consumers are now more receptive to commercials, providing an opening for brands to connect with attentive consumers. This article delves into how consumers’ TV-viewing habits are changing, and how that’s amplifying their interaction with commercials.

The Explosion of Online Video Streaming

The introduction of streaming services has completely altered the television viewing experience. Sixty percent of British adults now subscribe to up to three streaming services1, per research from global advertising technology firm The Trade Desk. The adaptability and wealth of content offered by such mediums have contributed to their meteoric rise in popularity. Consumers enjoy the options and convenience of connected TV (CTV) for watching on-demand content1. The result is a dramatic shift in the way that British homes watch TV1, as more viewers migrate to online streaming services.

A Receptive Market Segment

Sixty-three percent of British adults, according to research by The Trade Desk, are willing to accept advertisements in exchange for free streaming content1. This demonstrates that consumers are open to interacting with advertisements in exchange for free streaming services. In addition, 41% of respondents said they wouldn’t mind seeing advertisements if it meant getting access to a cheaper platform1. Advertisers can take advantage of the rising popularity of ad-supported streaming services by taking advantage of the growing popularity of ad-supported streaming services.

Only Clicking on Some Ads

Consumers are receptive to marketing, but they have preferences regarding the content and frequency of the messages they receive. According to the data collected, 68% of people want fewer commercials overall, and 56% would rather have shorter commercial breaks1. As a result of this trend toward less disruptive advertising, companies will need to strike a balance between capturing consumers’ attention and giving them space to enjoy their content. Advertisers can increase the effectiveness of their campaigns by catering to their target demographic’s individual tastes.

Media Buying in the Age of Big Data

Brands need to use data-driven media buying to guarantee a good ad encounter. Marketers can increase their ads’ chances of being seen and clicked on by viewers by using data to target their messages more precisely.1. With data-driven media buying, companies can zero in on specific consumer groups and tailor their ads to them. With this method, businesses can target their ads to the most receptive demographics at the most optimal times.

Expenses and Free/Ad-Supported Choices

Despite the convenience and content variety offered by streaming services, some consumers may be put off by the ever-increasing prices. According to a survey conducted by The Trade Desk, nearly half of respondents (48%) cite price as the main reason they no longer subscribe to any streaming channels1. Due to the high cost of subscription streaming services, many users are switching to ad-supported alternatives. This means that advertisers can reach a receptive audience in a growing sector of the economy.

How Advertising Will Develop in the Streaming Age

Ads integrated into streaming services are the future of advertising because of the rising popularity of these services. Advertisers can reach a large and attentive audience by using ad-supported streaming services, which gives them a great platform to promote their goods and services. Brands can create a positive ad experience that resonates with viewers and drives meaningful engagement by learning about consumers’ preferences and using data-driven media buying.

See first source: Marketing Tech News


Q1: How have TV viewing habits changed in recent years?

A1: TV viewing habits have changed significantly with the proliferation of streaming platforms. Many viewers now prefer online streaming services over traditional TV, allowing them to access diverse content on-demand.

Q2: Are consumers more receptive to commercials on streaming platforms?

A2: Yes, research by The Trade Desk indicates that 63% of British adults are willing to accept advertisements in exchange for free streaming content. This shows that consumers are open to interacting with ads in return for free streaming services.

Q3: Do consumers have preferences for the type and frequency of advertisements they see?

A3: Yes, according to the data, 68% of people prefer fewer commercials overall, and 56% would rather have shorter commercial breaks. Consumers have preferences, and advertisers should strive to balance capturing attention with providing an enjoyable viewing experience.

Q4: How can advertisers improve the effectiveness of their campaigns in the streaming age?

A4: Advertisers can enhance campaign effectiveness by using data-driven media buying. This approach allows them to target specific demographics and tailor their ads to maximize relevance and engagement.

Q5: Why are some consumers turning to ad-supported streaming services?

A5: Price is a significant factor, with nearly half of respondents (48%) citing cost as the main reason they no longer subscribe to streaming channels. Ad-supported streaming services provide a cost-effective alternative, attracting a growing audience.

Q6: What is the future of advertising in the streaming age?

A6: Integrated ads within streaming services are expected to dominate advertising in the streaming age. Advertisers can reach a large and engaged audience through ad-supported streaming platforms by understanding consumer preferences and utilizing data-driven media buying.

Featured Image Credit: Glenn Carstens-Peters; Unsplash – Thank you!

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