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SEO Specialist Uncovers Googlebot Block Consequences

Googlebot Block
Googlebot Block

Introduction and overview

Kristina Azarenko, a Technical SEO specialist, recently carried out an intriguing study to comprehend the implications of preventing Googlebot from accessing a website through robots.txt. Between October 5 and November 7, Azarenko observed six interesting consequences when Googlebot could not crawl her website. This article aims to analyze these consequences and provides valuable insights for businesses in the competitive digital landscape.

Significant drop in organic search traffic

Firstly, Azarenko noticed a significant drop in organic search traffic, which directly impacted the site’s overall performance. This decline underscores the importance of optimizing websites for search engine visibility, as organic traffic is an essential source of new visitors and potential customers.

Google continued to index some pages

Secondly, Azarenko discovered that Google continued to index some pages based on external links and signals, despite the lack of crawl access. This finding indicates that a website’s visibility in search engines is affected by various factors, such as the quality of external links and the strength of the site’s overall link profile.

Favicon vanished from Google search results

The favicon vanished from Google Search results, causing the site to look less distinguishable in search listings. This removal gives Google Search a more uniform appearance, but it may limit the visibility and branding of individual entities. Consequently, some site owners and marketers are voicing concerns over losing their distinctive identity and potentially reducing user engagement in search results.

Impact on video search outcomes

The website’s video search outcomes were severely impacted, and they have not fully recuperated even after the study ended. This incident highlights the fragility of online platforms and their susceptibility to manipulation by outside forces. Consequently, it is crucial for website owners and developers to implement robust security measures and constantly monitor their systems to ensure the integrity of their content and user experience.

Rankings volatility and regional preferences

Throughout the experiment, rankings stayed relatively constant, although with marginally increased volatility, particularly in Canada. This increase in volatility can be attributed to various factors such as regional preferences and fluctuations in user behavior. However, despite these fluctuations, the overall trends and popular choices remained consistent with previous observations and expectations.

Minor reduction in website traffic

There was only a slight reduction in website traffic, indicating that blocking Googlebot did not substantially affect the site’s visibility in search engines. This finding implies that there may be other factors at play, such as the strength of the website’s content and its link profile, contributing to its consistent web presence. Despite the minor impact of blocking Googlebot, it is essential for site owners to continually monitor and optimize their search engine performance to maintain a high level of discoverability and attract a steady flow of visitors.

Increase in indexed pages

Surprisingly, the quantity of indexed pages shown in Google Search Console actually rose. This seemingly contradictory result happened because pages with “noindex” meta robots tags were indexed since Googlebot couldn’t crawl the site to reach those tags. As a result, the crawlability issues caused an unintended increase in indexed pages, despite the website owner’s efforts to limit them. Moving forward, it is crucial for website owners to address and resolve such crawling problems to ensure that Googlebot can accurately access and index their websites according to their preferences.

Google Search Console alerts

Numerous alerts surfaced in Google Search Console, such as “Indexed, though blocked by robots.txt” and “Blocked by robots.txt. These alerts are warnings regarding the accessibility of your website’s content for search engines. It is essential to address these issues promptly to ensure your website is easily found and adequately indexed, leading to improved rankings and more organic traffic.

Importance of testing in SEO

This study emphasizes the importance of testing in search engine optimization, as even minor alterations – whether deliberate or unintentional – can significantly impact rankings, website traffic, and overall performance. To truly maximize a website’s potential and stay ahead in the competitive digital landscape, businesses must invest in regular testing of their SEO strategies and be open to making necessary adjustments. By remaining vigilant and adaptable, businesses can ensure they not only maintain but also improve their visibility in search engine results, thus leading to increased website traffic and higher conversions rates.

Valuable insights and application

Additionally, the findings offer valuable insights for companies that may lack the means to carry out similar studies on their own, allowing them to better comprehend the potential consequences if Google is unable to crawl their websites. By understanding these outcomes, businesses can implement appropriate strategies to avoid such issues and improve their overall online visibility. Furthermore, this knowledge can also contribute to enhancing user experience and search engine rankings, leading to increased web traffic and ultimately, higher revenue generation.
First Reported on: searchengineland.com


What are the consequences of preventing Googlebot from crawling a website?

Some of the consequences include a significant drop in organic search traffic, continued indexing of some pages, the disappearance of the favicon from search results, impact on video search outcomes, rankings volatility, minor reduction in website traffic, an increase in indexed pages, and Google Search Console alerts.

How does blocking Googlebot affect organic search traffic?

Blocking Googlebot can lead to a significant drop in organic search traffic, which directly impacts a site’s overall performance. Organic traffic is essential for attracting new visitors and potential customers, so optimizing websites for search engine visibility is crucial.

Can Google still index pages if crawl access is blocked?

Yes, Google can continue to index some pages based on external links and signals, despite the lack of crawl access. This finding indicates that a website’s visibility in search engines is affected by various factors, such as the quality of external links and the strength of the site’s overall link profile.

What is the importance of testing in SEO?

Testing is critical in search engine optimization because even minor alterations can significantly impact rankings, website traffic, and overall performance. Regular testing of SEO strategies and making necessary adjustments help businesses maximize their website’s potential and stay competitive in the digital landscape.

What can businesses learn from this study on blocking Googlebot?

Businesses can derive valuable insights on the potential consequences of blocking Googlebot from crawling their websites. Understanding these outcomes can help them implement appropriate strategies to avoid such issues, improve overall online visibility, enhance user experience, and increase web traffic and revenue generation.

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