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Another perspective on Postal Service home delivery

It would be an understatement to say that many businesses and organizations are waiting with bated breath for decisions from the Postal Regulatory Commission and Congress on whether the US Postal Service can reduce home delivery to five days per week.

Here’s another perspective on the possible delivery reduction. US Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) came out strongly against the service change in remarks submitted to the PRC. Her perspective is that home delivery in Alaska is more important than it is in other states.

“Just to get mail up to Alaska from Seattle, it must be flown farther than the distance from Washington, DC, to Dallas, TX. Once it arrives in Alaska, getting it out to our many far-flung communities is another major challenge,” Murkowski said in prepared remarks. “While it would be inconvenient to have to wait an extra day or week to receive a Netflix movie, a sweater or so-called ‘junk’ mail, the Postal Service plays a much more vital role in the lives of Alaskans than delivering everyday conveniences.”

Of course, Alaska’s population is only a small fraction of that of the US as a whole. However, Murkowski’s remarks are another reminder of the difference in mandates for the USPS and private shipping businesses.

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