Direct sales company Appssavvy has announced six exclusive partnerships with top social media application companies, whose popular apps include Circle of Moms, Pick Your Five, Texas Hold’em Poker, Friends for Sale and Dogbook.
According to Chris Cunningham, CEO of Appssavvy, the app universe has evolved to the point that brands consider aligning with applications to be a worthwhile investment. “Social media apps have really evolved into Web sites and robust communities,” he said. “It’s getting attention – it’s now a bonafide business that is understood in the context of advertiser spending.”
The exclusive partnerships, he said, solidify the efforts the company has already made on behalf of the third-party application companies and offer a direct sales route for advertisers. “It makes for less confusion for the brands – for advertisers, the waters are less murky,” he explained. “And with these partnerships, we can provide more data and analytics, and the developers are willing to do more work on customization.”
For Ephraim Luft, CEO of Circle of Moms, the partnership with Appssavvy helps fill the sales gap for applications that have become increasingly attractive to brands. “Apps are now able to reach a meaningful scale a lot more quickly,” he said, pointing out that Circle of Moms has 3.5 million registered users, with around 40-50% logging in each month. “There’s tremendous value in these properties for brands – so Appssavvy is filling the [sales] gap that’s present there for us.”
Apps, he points out, don’t involve a standard sales process. “It’s not a process in which you just sell media, you’re not just selling reach,” he said. “There’s deeper engagement there.”