Abby Miller
45443 posts
Abby Miller is the editor of DMNews.
Blau Opens West Coast Office
Four months after being acquired by Snyder Communications, Bethesda, MD, Blau Marketing has opened an office in San…
Paradigm Uses Baseball Star to Draw Clicks to Crestar
Crestar Bank's first Internet marketing campaign includes banners featuring Baltimore Orioles third baseman Cal Ripken Jr. and contests…
DM Helps Boost Keyboard Sales
A fully integrated campaign involving direct mail, specialty magazine ads and incentives to both buyers and sellers spurred…
Y2K Brings up Numerous Computer Issues for List Firms
Unless computers have no function in your list business, addressing and correcting the Year 2000 problem should be…
Hi-Tech CMP File Draws Major Interest
This month’s announcement that Worldata would be relinquishing management of CMP Media Inc.’s mailing lists June 30 means…
Updates Make DirectNet Timely Supplement to List Source
SRDS has been compiling data on lists for more than 80 years, building its Direct Marketing List Source…
At Web expo: Solid Advice, Little One-to-One Hype
SEATTLE–As marketing phrases go, “one-to-one” could just as easily have been “pie-in-the-sky” to the 350 online business executives…
Sales Jump As Callers Get ‘Real’ Tours of National Parks
The Parks Company catalog has seen sales of its custom-made apparel, art and vintage collectibles that celebrate the…
Travelers Targets AAA Members
Travelers Insurance, an insurance and financial services provider, recently started a major affinity marketing program with the American…
Who Pays for the Rate Case?
Why is the U.S. Postal Service filing a rate case when it has packed away $4.5 billion in…