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Average American spends 2.5 months on phone

Average American spends 2.5 months on phone
Average American spends 2.5 months on phone

Americans are spending more time than ever on their phones, according to a recent survey. The study found that the average American checks their phone 205 times a day in 2024. This is about once every five minutes while awake.

The survey also revealed some interesting habits. 80.6% of Americans check their phones within the first 10 minutes of waking up. 65.7% use their phones while in the bathroom.

53.7% have texted someone who is in the same room. 38.1% use their phones while on a date. And 27% admit to using their phones while driving.

Despite the high usage, self-reported phone addiction has actually dropped by 24% compared to last year. However, 78% still feel uneasy leaving home without their devices.

Phone usage habits across generations

Nearly 40% experience anxiety when their battery falls below 20%. And 48% have never gone a full day without their phone. There are some generational differences in phone habits.

Gen Z spends the most time on their phones, averaging six hours and 18 minutes per day. Millennials are close behind at six hours and two minutes daily. They also check their phones the most frequently, at 324 times per day on average.

“Millennials not only check their phones the most but also experience the highest anxiety levels after losing their phones,” said Chandra Steele, a senior features writer who provided insights for the study. “80% of Millennials report feeling anxious when separated from their devices.”

Overall, cell phone use continues to dominate daily life for most Americans. The average person now spends over five hours a day on their smartphone.

While fewer feel the need to always have the latest model, being without a phone at all causes unease for many. The survey results highlight the central role mobile devices now play in how we interact, work and go about our days.

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