Using the tag line “The Coast Is Clear,” Berenson, Isham & Partners, Boston, will help the organization that cleaned up Boston Harbor launch a campaign to build a walkway along the waterfront.
The campaign is being created for Boston-based nonprofit organization Save the Harbor/Save the Bay's Campaign for the Water's Edge. It will involve direct mail, broadcast advertising, print ads in the Boston Globe and the Boston Business Journal and event marketing.
“We plan to build awareness but also to focus on fundraising,” said Anders Ekman, president of Berenson, Isham & Partners. “There will be some fundraising to individuals but also corporate fundraising because they have not done much of that, so a lot of our materials will be targeted with that end in mind.”
As the harbor area is a vital part of not only the city's marine industry, but tourism and the city's quality of life, Berenson, Isham & Partners expects to target a range of companies in its fundraising efforts from local grass-roots businesses to marine-based companies and banks and major institutions.
The “Coast Is Clear” phrase is a reminder of the state of the harbor area before Save the Harbor/Save the Bay began a campaign to clean up the harbor front, Ekman said. In 1988, the harbor was in such bad condition that George Bush went out on a boat during his presidential campaign to point out pollution and deterioration.
The agency expects to enlist a politician or public servant to serve as a spokesman for the effort. Events that Save the Harbor/Save the Bay coordinates, such as a harbor swim and a harbor-side concert series, also will be used to raise money for and awareness of the campaign.