SAN FRANCISCO — Cahners Business Lists announced its new name, DecisionMaker Media Management, at the Direct Marketing Association's 85th Annual Conference and Exhibition here yesterday.
Cahners' parent company, Reed Elsevier, consolidated and rebranded its three business-to-business publishing units as Reed Business Information in February. The units included Cahners Business Information (U.S.), Elsevier Business Information (Netherlands, France, Germany, Spain and Italy) and Reed Business Information (UK, Asia and Australia). The unit also includes the company's conference division Reed Exhibitions.
Cahners Business Lists began as the in-house list management division, which managed only Cahners' titles.
Since the Cahners name was no longer active, it made sense to change the name of the company's list unit, said Jeff Moriarty, director of sales and marketing at DecisionMaker Media Management, Oak Brook, IL.
The new name comes from a line of databases that Cahners Business Lists developed called the DecisionMaker files. The firm now has 19 DecisionMaker databases in niche markets such as IT, manufacturing, sales and marketing, engineering and finance.
Plus, the firm has taken on several non-Cahners management properties in the past few years.
“Really what it comes down to is that we've evolved into much more than just a list owner managing its own files,” Moriarty said. “We started in this business as a list owner representing Cahners' lists. We were pretty much limited to what we owned but over the last several years we have taken on other data.”
The new Web site for the renamed firm can be found at