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10111 posts
Live for your high-value subscribers
Which subscribers are responsible for your success as an e-mail marketer? An analysis of your success metrics —…
Measuring e-mail results: Using the wrong end of the stick?
If the job of marketing is to generate interest and drive leads, then e-mail measurement must move that…
Yahoo rejects Microsoft again
Yahoo sent a letter to Microsoft on April 7 rejecting the company’s unsolicited takeover bid for a second…
Zip code targeting key for USA Today Home Delivery
Many people know USA Today as the newspaper found at their hotel room door. It engages readers with…
Meeting customer needs with local search
Historically, Internet yellow pages providers have been category-based providers of local listings, while search engines return mass Web…
Blended search results are most clicked
Users are more likely to click on specialized content — such as news, images and video — when…
Improving SEO with your webinar program
Trying to get your company to the top of the organic listings on search engine results pages? Chances…
SEMs are from Mars, clients are from Venus
I’m not quite sure what the record for the longest client/SEM relationship is, but my money is that…
DMNews spends a few minutes with Jason Marrone, e-commerce marketing manager, Jelly Belly
Q: What was the state of Jelly Belly’s e-mail marketing efforts before your arrival at the company? A:…
Creative solutions from Mercedes-Benz, Current Energy and Harlequin/NASCAR/Office Depot
Mercedes-Benz Microsite fashions a unique partnership Situation: Mercedes-Benz wanted to increase awareness of and engagement with its brand.…