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10111 posts
Boosting natural search through user-generated review content
I’m often asked, “How can I get my pages to rank number one on Google for my keywords?”…
Spotlight conversation with Paul McNulty, CMO of Unica Corp.
Paul McNulty, CMO of Unica Corp., talks with DMNews about technology and software marketing. Q: Why is it…
Can Microsoft and Yahoo learn to reinvent?
About 20 years ago, an Apple Macintosh landed in my parents’ home. Within a year or so, I…
Migrating toward E: Magazine outlook from BPA
At BPA, we believe the market will continue to witness the trend of media owners migrating toward “E”…
A formula for keyword success
When it comes to guaranteeing keyword success, bragging rights go to marketers who assess keyword value based on…
Risk of online shopping often a matter of perception
Online merchants are navigating between two worlds: what they hear from online privacy and payment card experts and buyers;…
Brochure’s cover might need to take some lessons from the product it sells
I found this brochure in the recycling bin — which is perhaps not entirely surprising, as how many…
DMNews spends a few minutes with Ernan Roman, president of Ernan Roman Direct Marketing
Q: What was PHI doing to promote its industrial products? A: Like many small companies, it was doing…
Education cometh before a sale
The Internet provides an unprecedented opportunity to connect buyers with sellers, but it has also evolved into a…
Yahoo looks forward post-bid
Yahoo is making a push to turn its fortunes around, following both layoffs at the company and the…