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52556 posts
Once a Broker, Now an Acquisition Specialist
List brokers provide more services than their name implies. They are like symphony maestros. In the past they…
DME's Suit Against D&B Goes Forward
A U.S. District Judge has declined to grant list compiler Dun & Bradstreet its motion to dismiss a…
BBBOnline Adds Name to Online Privacy-Seal Programs
BBBOnLine, a subsidiary of the Council of Better Business Bureaus, began accepting applications last week for an electronic…
USPS Loses $84.7M on New Products
The General Accounting Office, the investigative arm of the U.S. Congress, last week reported that the postal service…
Dividends Ease Market Volatility
E-commerce and online catalog firms helped fuel the market comeback of the last month, which saw the DM…
November Sales Mixed for 4 Catalogers
Sales figures from three catalogers reflect mixed results for November. Buoyed by a 436 percent jump in Internet…
Guidelines Have Message for All Marketers
Draft Guidance, the Food and Drug Administration's code for the broadcast advertising of prescription products, has encouraged many…
Clinton Urges Gov't Officials To Boost Virtual Mall Growth
President Clinton called for more consumer protection on the Internet during a White House ceremony this week in…
For Marketing, AOL, Netscape Still Offer Very Different Audiences
America Online's acquisition of Netscape will make AOL the undisputed king of Internet reach. But lumping AOL's and…
Lillian Vernon, Delia's Spinoffs Go Online
Just as the holiday shopping season heats up, catalogers Lillian Vernon and Delia's launched new Web sites this…