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52542 posts
La Redoute to Launch Organic Food Catalog
ROUBAIX, France – La Redoute, Europe’s third largest mail order house, plans to launch an organic food catalog,…
Pizza Hut Serves Up Free AOL Subscription
TOKYO – American Online had Pizza Hut deliver free subscription software with pizzas across Japan in late summer… Debuts Ohio Awareness Campaign, Columbus, OH, an Internet-based company that provides consumers with information about utility deregulation, launched its integrated marketing…
Wegener Drops 2 Million Multi-Firm Books in Czech Republic
PRAGUE, the Czech Republic — Wegener Direct Marketing dropped two million copies of an eight-page, full color catalog…
KBM Strengthens Convergys Relationship
Convergys, an outsource provider of teleservices and billing services formed in August by the spinoff of Matrixx Marketing…
Catalogers Reach Extremes To Attract Holiday Shoppers
Couples who'll miss watching Mark McGwire hit home runs this winter can reminisce with this holiday season's featured…
Victoria's Secret Names CFO
Victoria's Secret Catalogue, Columbus, OH, has tapped Michael Mahler as its new vice president and chief financial officer.…
Computer Maker Turns to DM to Sell Refurbished Computers
Fujitsu PC Corp., Milpitas, CA, the U.S. computer unit of Japanese technology giant Fujitsu Ltd., is using direct…
USCI Brings Cellular Service to Web
Cellular services reseller Ameritel Communications Inc. and its parent company, USCI Inc., Norcross, GA, plan to build a…
Decrease Production Time, Increase Quality
When it comes to catalogs, there is — as the saying goes — good news and bad news.…