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52546 posts
FTC Educates Miami Residents About Telephone Fraud
The Federal Trade Commission and the Miami Dade Transit Authority are educating residents in Dade County, FL on…
Oracle Acquires Versatility
Oracle Corp., whose headquarters are in Red Shores, CA, acquired Versatility Inc., in a cash merger worth $12…
InfoUSA Database Links Consumer, BTB Listings
InfoUSA, Omaha, NE, will officially introduce its execuReach database of 3.4 million executives and business owners with business…
Cilco Taps Ameritech for Improved Service to Its Customers
DENVER, CO.– Central Illinois Light Co. taps Ameritech's deregulation savvy and technology expertise to better service customers and…
UPS Explains Guaranteed Shipping in DM Piece
United Parcel Service, Atlanta, recently sent a direct mail package to its more than 1.6 million commercial customers…
40M Campaign Pushes 'Next AOL'
America Online Inc. launched a massive marketing offensive this week that will include mass-mailing millions of CD-ROMs to…
Agency Network Embraces Multicultural Market
Advertising giant True North Communications has formed a network of agencies that offer turnkey solutions to advertisers in…
Plastics Distributor Finds New Customers
A database program designed to increase Outwater Plastics Industries Inc.'s, prospect database did that and more: It opened…
Worldata Sends Datacards by Mail
List and electronic marketing firm Worldata, Boca Raton, FL, continues to convert the everyday functions of a list…
Catalog Gets Hurricane Relief From Call Center
Hurricane Bonnie last month forced several companies close to North Carolina's coast to close up shop and head…