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52539 posts
Internet PC Firm Focuses on Techies
With a colorful Web site and witty ads, Internet PC company targeted clever, tech-savvy customers when it…
Campaign Targets Potential Investors
Financial services companies seeking to target investors will have an opportunity to reach their largest audience ever through…
Dell's 1Q Revenues Jump 52 Percent
Dell Computer Corp. reported last week that first-quarter revenues skyrocketed 52 percent to $3.9 billion vs. $2.6 billion…
CBS Readies DRTV Offer for 50th Anniversary Videos
As part of an event marketing strategy surrounding “CBS: The First 50 Years” retrospective that airs tonight, the…
New Fingerhut President Looks to Net, Acquisitions for Growth
From acquisitions to electronic and global growth, a host of initiatives awaits new Fingerhut Companies president William J.…
Columbia House Seeks to Corral DVD Market
Columbia House set its sights on becoming a key player in the DVD industry this month by debuting…
'Reformed' Spam King Joins Nemesis
Having publicly renounced his role in helping flood the Internet with millions of unsolicited commercial e-mail messages, spam…
ALC Set to Unveil Full-Motion Technology
ALC Interactive, the online arm of American List Counsel Inc., plans to unveil technology that will allow online…
Investment Firm to Merge DIMAC, AmeriComm
News Corp., New York, which had been shopping its subsidiary DIMAC Marketing Corp. since December, finally found a…
Condom Maker Rewards Loyal Users
The embarrassment that college students sometimes experience when they go to the drug store to buy condoms soon…