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52546 posts
What It Takes to Find an Effective DM Executive Today
Direct marketing's unprecedented influence on the success or failure for a company is redefining the requirements for successful…
New PMG Should Be Selected on Qualifications Not Gender
Robert B. Swick urges the Postal Board of Governors to “include gender on an equal plane with the…
New Yorkers Embark on Mail Campaign Against Vetoes
Irked by New York Gov. George Pataki's apparent eagerness to slice and dice a budget that the state…
How to Get SURE-Fire Response Advertising
As we stand at the threshold of a new millennium, new media and new technologies are forcing direct…
Global Direct's Net Sales Increase 31 Percent for 1Q
Global DirectMail Corp., a direct marketer of computer products, reported that net sales for its first quarter ended…
Forrester Launches Online Retailing Strategies
Forrester Research, Cambridge, MA, announced last month the launch of its newest service, Online Retailing Strategies. The service's…
DMA Urges Members to Write Senate
DMA Urges Members to Write Senate In an attempt to get the Internet Tax Moratorium legislation addressed before…
Reorganization Factor in 16% Drop in Sales at Inc., Spokane, WA, an online reseller of computer products, reported that consolidated net sales for its fiscal…
Excite, Netscape Ink Deal in Portal Push
Netscape Communications Corp. and Excite Inc. announced a partnership last week that they expect will help Netscape in…
ZD Market, National Decision Make Pact
ZD Market Intelligence, La Jolla, CA, a provider of sales and marketing solutions to computer and telecommunications companies,…