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CDMA convention attracts record numbers

TORONTO, Canada – A record 1,892 direct marketers attended the Canadian Direct Marketing Association’s (CDMA) annual trade show held this year in Toronto.

This number smashes the previous record of 1,450 reached at the 1996 convention in Ottawa.

“This unprecedented turnout confirms the growing interest in the field of information-based marketing and the vibrancy of this industry,” said John Gustavson, president of the CDMA.

“More and more businesses are integrating direct response marketing techniques into their marketing programs, and this convention provided delegates with valuable tools and knowledge to achieve success,” he added.

This is the CDMA’s 31st trade convention. More than 131 companies exhibited at the show, and of these, 15 came from the US.

Next year’s CDMA convention will be held in Quebec City from May 11 to 13.

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