The Internet Consumer Assistance Bureau (ICAB), Houston, a new for-profit business, recently launched a Web site where consumers can file complaints, voice opinions and research what others have said about companies doing business on the Internet.
When consumers post a complaint about a company at, the merchant automatically gets an e-mail alert and 72 hours to respond. After three days, ICAB sends a second e-mail and waits another 72 hours. If the merchant fails to respond to both e-mails, it will post a statement to that effect on
Ron Foster, vice president at ICAB, said the group has no political leanings and has set no guidelines on the collection and use of marketing data. Foster added that ICAB also doesn’t pass judgment on Web sites beyond refusing to accept sites involving pedophilia, racism, hate and other offensive material.
“The whole idea is to give people a place where they can make comments of their own,” Foster said. “It’s the power of the press.”
Joining ICAB costs companies $149 per year plus a one-time fee of $25 for a link from to the merchant’s site. Members also get a listing at and an ICAB banner to display on their site.