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6 Ways to Improve Your Intent Marketing Strategy in 2019

An excellent intent marketing strategy evolves as times — and tastes — change. Failing to keep up with an audiences’ wants and needs as they interact with content could make even a seemingly foolproof plan falter. Here are six ways to improve this year.

1. Program chatbots to understand user intent

Many websites have live chat interfaces that pop up as soon as a customer visits. Often, a question pops up in the chat window such as “How can I help you?” But, those windows appear too fast — before a person has time to browse and come up with questions to ask.

There’s also an issue with people filling out contact forms and waiting days to get a response. According to one survey of over 400 companies that had online forms or chatbots, 55 percent took five or more days to respond.

When using chatbots to engage in conversational marketing this year, it’s crucial to ensure purpose-driven programming makes chatbots appear at the right time to answer questions without prolonged delays. Concerning user intent, marketers should try to make chatbot prompts specific to which pages people visit.

For example, if a person goes to a page from a travel company about flight-booking tips, the chatbot might ask, “Do you have any questions about the best routes for your upcoming trip?” In one study, a person also tweaked his allergy-related chatbot to better understand user intent instead of responding “Sorry, I don’t understand” when users strayed from the suggested prompts the chatbot gave.

2. Use Excel to build user intent Into your SEO strategy

Most marketers regularly make keyword lists, but since Google has a recent focus on user intent in searches, it’s necessary to move beyond traditional methods and ensure they encompass primary and secondary user intents. It’s an in-depth process, but one made easier with Excel. People who have tried this method report it brings substantial payoffs.

3. Use AI to assess the intent of loyalty program subscribers

Statistics show that although the average American signs up for 14.3 loyalty programs, they are only active in 6.7. Today’s marketers have the option of figuring out what makes loyalty programs engaging by using artificial intelligence (AI) tools.

Professionals who promote products or services to loyalty subscribers already have a wealth of information at their disposal that they can use to personalize offers. However, AI can take user intent even further by evaluating aspects like weather or time of day. Moreover, AI-powered user intent tools allow viewing individual users and looking deeper into their intentions.

The things that encourage loyalty program subscribers to buy things or take other favorable actions go beyond discounts offered or points earned. AI tools help marketers identify what those factors are when they might otherwise remain hidden.

4.  Cater to informational intent on a company blog

Informational intent relates to a user’s desire to learn information about a searched-for subject. That type of intent could apply to the material on a company blog.

One way to take an intent marketing strategy to the next level this year is to discuss current industry topics and debates on the blog. Google values timeliness, meaning this strategy could help with the blog’s search engine ranking. Marketers should aim to try this once they perform the Excel-based keyword research suggested in the second point on this list.

Moreover, they should include statistics, since they help frame the argument, and show that the information given is credible. For example, in a blog post that asks whether field contractors should offer mobile payments, the content mentions that 65 percent of the population will make at least one mobile payment in 2019. Also, think about activating the comments section below the post, allowing people to chime in with their thoughts.

5. Peruse podcast ads to increase purchase intent

A 2018 Nielsen survey of the effect of podcast ads about milk, juice and cereal found that advertising those things on podcasts increased purchase intent in audiences. In general, the results suggest marketers should consider running podcast ads to positively influence the desire to buy things. However, it’s not so straightforward.

The research showed an association between particular podcast genres and more purchases. To clarify, all five combinations of ads and podcasts resulted in more purchases, but the buying effect was exceptionally high for some types of podcasts. There was a 14 percent increase in purchase intent when brands advertised on business podcasts and a 12.8 percent boost when they chose news or politics podcasts.

Data from 2018 reveals there are more than 630,000 podcasts marketers could choose when deciding where to advertise. Before making a choice, it’s crucial for professionals to listen to several episodes of a potential podcast and see if it seems like a good match.

6. Implement conversational phrases into a voice search strategy

Information about voice search for 2019 indicates people search differently when speaking compared to using text-based methods. If typing a query into Google on a computer, they might use a phrase like “Mexican restaurant near me,” but if depending on the voice search feature on a phone, they’re more likely to say “Where is the closest Mexican restaurant that’s open now?”

In short, the things people say during voice searches are highly conversational. They’re also commonly made up of interrogative statements — such as the Mexican restaurant example — that begin with words like who or what. Instead of typing “George Clooney birthday” on a computer keyboard, they might utter, “When was George Clooney born?”

Keeping in mind the ways people conduct voice searches will go a long way in identifying user intent in 2019. Looking at the Featured Snippet on Google will also shed light on the things people might ask via voice searches.

These suggestions should ensure intent marketing campaigns don’t become stale this year. Instead, they keep trends in mind and accommodate them.

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