There is a certain amount of cliché around your friendly neighborhood mailman, donning a cap and summer shorts while strolling by whitewashed fences. However, it is difficult to deny that letter carriers play an important role in any American community. Certainly, mailers that are investing in quality paper and postage know the channel is trusted, in part because of its physical presence and hand-delivered nature.
The latest in heartwarming USPS news comes from McCausland, IA, where the American Postal Workers Union recently donated $30,000 to renovate the town’s lone post office The 300 residents of the town raised a total of $55,000 through bake sales, hog roasts and soup suppers to pay for the wiring, plumbing, heating, and cooling needed for repairs. Town funds contributed an additional $55,000 to purchase the building.
Four years ago, the building was closed because of mold contamination and the “temporary” post office did not meet USPS standards and was due to close on April 25.
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