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Dimensional mailer generates 20% response rate


Having a good relationship with building owners and property managers is a must for Captivate Network, which sells advertising on over 7,600 TV screens inside office building elevators.

“A lot of our focus is on distribution, because without being in buildings we don’t have the viewers,” said Sheri Taylor Gilchrist, VP of marketing at Captivate, a division of Gannett.

So when the ad network introduced two new products earlier this year, it needed a way to create some excitement around the launch and generate qualified leads with this important audience. The new products include a multi-media TV screen that displays floor numbers and other building-related information as well as a screen designed for suburban office buildings.


Working with creative consultants Carla Baratta and Ken Fitzgerald, Captivate created a direct mail campaign with golfing as the theme and timed it to drop prior to the Building Owners and Managers Association’s annual conference, which was held July 22-24 in New York.

Approximately 1,400 registered attendees were sent the dimensional mailer on July 11 and anyone opening it discovered a free Captivate-branded golf tool. The copy, “Roll on in,” and the image, of a golf in route to get a hole in one, “played off of recipients rolling on into the Captivate booth from their hotel,” Baratta said.

The mailer directed attendees to a micro-site where they could register to win a $1,000 golf shopping spree at Dick’s Sporting Goods and promised more golf-related giveaways at the booth.


From the direct mail list, 456 sales leads were generated at the booth — a 20 percent response rate.

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