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DMA e-mail group creates educational YouTube channel

The Direct Marketing Association’s E-mail Experience Council has created a YouTube channel to promote the benefits of e-mail marketing.

“We want to educate and evangelize across all verticals on direct response and branding [through the e-mail channel],” said Lana McGilvray, co-chair of the EEC’s speakers’ bureau and VP of marketing for Datran Media.

McGilvray added that a primary challenge for the EEC is educating marketers from traditional backgrounds who have yet to determine the best way to use direct marketing in a multichannel mix.

Video clips on the EEC channel feature well-known e-mail industry experts.

Twelve clips have been posted to the site after the EEC put out an open call to its 1,400 member organizations. Their topics include tips for effective e-mail marketing, consumer-driven rules for relevancy, and what to do if a legitimate marketing e-mail is blocked.

The EEC will add more videos on an ongoing basis, with the goal of doubling their number in the next month, said McGilvray.

She added that user comments will also shape future segments.

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