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Earn Media with a Compelling Story and an Unforgettable Experience

Shareable stories start with dynamic storytellers, and
storytelling for brands, from startups to
the Fortune 100,
is no different.  A shareable brand story
is essential to earning media.

Take JetBlue. Their story is crafted around customer experience,
and everything they do ladders back to that. From real-time responses to
customers on Twitter to their in-flight snacks and state of the art terminals,
they create moments that put their customers first and that drive positive
advocacy around their best-in-class service.

Technology company Uber brands itself as “Everyone’s Private
Driver,” and every move they make, from partnerships with brands like Tesla and
Equinox to their UberLux line of vehicles at South by Southwest to their recent
taxi hailing feature, is a unique, high-end, and personal experience that draws
the customer in and delivers a talkable experience.  

Earned media is the communication and validation of a brand’s
story by a third party. That hasn’t changed for a long time, but the potential
reach of brand stories continues to increase exponentially.

Social and digital media give marketers powerful tools and platforms
to tell brand stories, but unless those narratives connect back to the brand’s
story, who cares?

It’s easy to get caught up in the bells and whistles we have
at our fingertips, but don’t get distracted. A focused vision and compelling
story turns an audience that you want to listen into an audience that wants to
share your brand’s story.

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