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E-mail day at eTail

The opening day of eTail is normally split in two –two rooms of about 100 people each, one discussing search, the other e-mail.  I works like speed dating.  Retailers sit at big round tables, as a team of e-mail service providers circle the room sharing tips and answering questions.

It’s a great place to talk specifics.  Today the specifics were about list building, while still being compliant, testing for timing and content and the best

It think it is one of the most organic places to learn and share about e-mail marketing, because everyone is coming to learn something and everyone is willing to share their secrets. This is my third eTail and my third Email Day at the show, and I’m starting to notice that the retailers are more informed.  They are leading the discussions more and answering each other’s questions.  Many are even more educated today, even if they aren’t doing everything they could be.

Tiffany D’Amato e-commerce operations director at Aeropostale said that she stops e-mailing people who haven’t opened an e-mail in 6 months.  Still she saves their names.  “I’m not sure what I’m going to do with them, and I know I should be doing something, but I’m not going to take them off the list unless they opt out.

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