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Enfatico — “nice try,” or an example to learn from?

Sure, most agency folks saw it coming — or in hindsight, say they should have seen it coming. That is, the retreat of Enfatico from an ambitious new agency model to a division of Y&R.

But this shift doesn’t make Enfatico’s efforts — to merge different marketing disciplines, including direct marketing, mobile, PR, etc. and keep them equal at the same table — any less important. Whether the agencies themselves are under one roof or not, that notion of everyone having a seat at the big boy’s table is essential, particularly during the recession when marketers are looking to a variety of channels to increase their ROI.

Marketers shouldn’t have to deal with turf wars between their various agencies — instead, they want their different agencies to work together for the good of the client.

I spoke last week with Peter Intermaggio, SVP of marketing and communications at Comcast, about these issues for our Agency Business Report special that will be published as part of our May 18 issue. He said he wants his agencies to work with a “unity of purpose” and a shared understanding of the industry — and that while he brings the various agencies together for meetings, he hopes they work together when he’s not around as well.

In an era of multichannel marketing, agencies can’t work in their own silo in the same way their clients can’t — and Enfatico was just one concerted effort by one company to make sure that didn’t happen.

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