Euro RSCG Worldwide added a New York office to its data-centric agency network Euro RSCG Discovery. The Havas-owned agency launched Euro RSCG Discovery New York during the first week of October, said Matt Blasco, managing director of Euro RSCG Discovery New York.
“A lot of the thought [in launching the New York office] is behind putting data at the forefront, to get out of the perception of data as being an afterthought or [used] for reporting [in favor of] a prediction-type planning tool,” said Blasco. “Our group is strongly cemented in digital. Some of the other Discovery offices are very strong CRM practices and [use] more of the offline stats. We’re hoping to complement that and beef up some of those practices here in the New York office as well.”
Euro RSCG is housing the shop and its staff of seven full-time employees within Euro RSCG New York.
Blasco directly reports to Euro RSCG New York executive director of planning and performance Richard Notarianni, who is also executive director of the new agency.
Euro RSCG Discovery New York shares clients with Euro RSCG New York, including General Electric Co., Volvo, GlaxoSmithKline, Dos Equis and Charles Schwab & Co. Blasco said clients have the option of working with either agency and that his firm is looking to “grab a few standalone clients.”