Users of the Internet Movie Database (IMDb), an online source for information on actors, films and television shows, can now view select full-length movies, shows and trailers for free on the Web site.
IMDb is a subsidiary of Inc. According to Tammy Hovey, a spokesperson for, the site currently has over 6,000 videos. “Our goal is to get every playable video on the Internet available for free on IMDb,” she said. “So for every title page where there’s a show or movie associated with it, we want to be able to provide the video content.”
Hovey would not go into detail about how IMDb would monetize the videos except to say that they are “ad-supported.” Currently each video has a sponsored pre-roll that says the program was presented with limited commercials by [a sponsor].
IMDb has business relationships with online video service Hulu, CBS, Sony Pictures Television and over 500 independent filmmakers to provide video content for the site.
While Hovey said this was an IMDb-focused announcement, she also said there is a connection between IMDb and Amazon. “If you search for a movie or show data on IMDb, there’s the opportunity if they want to purchase a DVD, book or music, [to have] interaction with”
Examples of current and classic TV shows and movies available are 24, Family Guy, Bewitched, Bring It On and Some Like It Hot.