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German artist memorializes cassette tapes in photography book

"German Cassette Memorial"
“German Cassette Memorial”

German artist, Oliver, renowned for his graphic design and graffiti art since 1989, is capturing the beauty of cassete tapes in his latest endeavor. Oliver has taken his eye for detail and design, and translated it into a photography book, providing a nostalgic journey for music lovers.

Cassette tapes, born in 1963, were the dominent music system due to their portability and suitability for recorded music. However, with the emergence of the higher quality, more durable and convenient CDs in the 1990s, cassettes were slowly phased out. Despite their decline, there’s been a minor resurgence as indie music lovers seek a more tactile and nostalgic listening experience.

The scope of cassette tapes extended beyond music performance. They played a pivotal role in spreading punk and rock music during the Iron Curtain era, enabling the DIY culture and promoting cultural exchange.

German artist’s photographic homage to cassette tapes

Their influence in music, culture, history, and society is incalculable, serving as a catalyst for social and cultural transformation.

The ‘Deck’ project acts as a tribute to all of these influences from cassette tapes in Oliver’s extensive visual database. Each entry detailing the specifics of each tape: duration, color, material, and brand; as well as a unique visual appeal of the double reel design. Oliver even has a submission process for tapes not currently in the archive.

A nostalgic return to the cassette era, ‘Deck’ merges the past, present, and future. It’s not just a look back, but a celebration of the influence cassette tapes have had on our culture and how it will continue to shape the future. The project serves as a modernized application for these relics, embracing their technological value as well as their cultural significance.

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