I don’t know what I would do withut Google. It already tells me what Web sites I want to view and what products I want to buy, and now it will even look out for me when I’m tempted to send ill-advised drunk emails to ex-girlfriends.
Google unveiled Mail Goggles this week, a gmail option that you can set to operate at any time of day or night, though it defaults to Friday and Saturday nights. If the user tries to send an e-mail during the preset time period, a pop-up will present an assortment of arithmetic problems and a timer. If you can’t solve the math problem in time, presumably because you are too drunk to open the calculator accessory on your desktop, you can’t send an email until the preset time period ends.
Google clearly knows that we piddling humans can’t be trusted left to our own devices, and is looking out for our best interests. Now if only Verizon could keep me from drunk dialing…