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Google’s AI Answers Impact Organic Traffic

AI Impact
AI Impact

Introduction to the study

A recent analysis by Authoritas discovered that 93.8% of AI-generated answers within Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) do not correspond to any links from the top 10 organic search results on Google. The study primarily focused on commercial keywords, indicating that Google SGE could potentially decrease organic website traffic for numerous related terms, as users can acquire their answers straight from Google’s AI-generated responses. This insight raises concerns among website owners and digital marketers, who rely on high rankings in organic search results for visibility and increased traffic. As a result, businesses may need to adapt their search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to maintain their online presence and compete with Google’s SGE-generated content.

SGE’s relationship with top organic results

Intriguingly, SGE regularly offers links to content not present in the top organic results. The investigation determined that only 4.5% of the time does a URL in generative content exactly align with a URL in the organic results. This suggests that SGE has the potential to introduce users to new and unique resources, widening their exposure to diverse information. Moreover, the low overlap percentage highlights the effectiveness of SGE in complementing traditional search engine strategies.

Domain level matches

Additionally, a 1.6% match was noticed at the domain level, suggesting that the generative content originates from the same website as an organic result, but not the specific page. This indicates that both the generative content and the organic search result share a common source or website theme. Consequently, it is essential to keep monitoring and updating content to maintain relevance and visibility in search results.

Uncovering new online resources

Astoundingly, in 93.8% of instances, the generative content presents URLs entirely distinct from those in the organic search results. This highlights the incredible potential of generative content for uncovering new and relevant online resources that may have been previously overlooked in standard search engine queries. By diversifying the source of information and the way search results are presented, users have a greater chance of discovering fresh perspectives and insights on their desired topic.

Overlap and diversity in SGE results

On average, SGE presents approximately 10 links, but merely around four unique links originating from four different websites. This indicates that the majority of these links tend to overlap, potentially limiting the diversity of information available to users. As a result, it becomes crucial for individuals to seek out multiple sources in order to ensure they gather a well-rounded perspective on any given topic.

Directing users to reliable sources

Consequently, two or three links in SGE answers direct users to the same website. This, in turn, helps to consolidate information and provide a more straightforward user experience. By funneling users to a single reputable source, it minimizes confusion and ensures that they receive consistent and reliable information.

SGE visibility in search results

SGE was visible for 86.8% of the analyzed keywords, which means 13.2% of keywords did not activate SGE content. This indicates that while SGE has a significant presence in the search results, there is still room for improvement in its coverage of various keywords. Optimizing SGE content for the remaining 13.2% of keywords presents an opportunity for further growth and better visibility in search engine results.


Data for the analysis was collected from 1,000 commercial keywords spanning 10 categories over two days in December 2023, ensuring a comprehensive and diverse range of search terms was used for the study. The research aimed to identify trends in algorithm changes and shed light on emerging patterns that could impact search engine optimization strategies for businesses.

User experience for logged-in users

Using a New York-based Google Chrome account holder who was logged in, the user experienced a seamless browsing experience due to their logged-in status. Being logged in allows users to easily sync their bookmarks, browsing history, and preferences across all devices, providing a personalized and convenient experience.
First Reported on: searchengineland.com


What percentage of AI-generated answers in Google’s SGE do not correspond to top 10 organic search results?

93.8% of AI-generated answers within Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) do not correspond to any links from the top 10 organic search results on Google.

How often does a URL in generative content exactly align with a URL in the organic results?

The investigation found that a URL in generative content exactly aligns with a URL in the organic results only 4.5% of the time.

What is the domain level match percentage between generative content and organic search results?

The domain level match between generative content and organic search results was found to be 1.6%, indicating that both originate from the same website but not the same specific page.

On average, SGE presents approximately 10 links, but only around four unique links originate from four different websites.

What percentage of the analyzed keywords activated SGE content?

SGE was visible for 86.8% of the analyzed keywords, indicating that 13.2% of keywords did not activate SGE content.

How was the data for the analysis collected?

Data for the analysis was collected from 1,000 commercial keywords spanning 10 categories over two days in December 2023, ensuring a comprehensive and diverse range of search terms was used for the study.

What are the benefits of being logged in to a Google account while using SGE?

Being logged in allows users to easily sync their bookmarks, browsing history, and preferences across all devices, providing a personalized and convenient experience.

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