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How Can You Create Compelling Video Content for Digital Platforms?

How Can You Create Compelling Video Content for Digital Platforms?

Creating compelling video content is key to standing out in today’s crowded digital landscape. To help you craft videos that capture attention and resonate with audiences, we asked fourteen CEOs and CMOs for their best strategies. From mastering the all-important video hook to weaving stories with empathy, these expert insights will equip you to create videos that leave a lasting impact.

  • Prioritize the Video Hook
  • Embrace Defamiliarization
  • Integrate User-Generated Content
  • Reverse-Engineer Attention
  • Embrace Artistic Filmmaking
  • Tell Relatable Stories
  • Leverage Cognitive Psychology
  • Prioritize Story and Production
  • Combine Storytelling and Strategy
  • Use Hooks and Trending Audio
  • Know Your Audience
  • Focus on Audience and Value
  • Follow a Six-Step Process
  • Tell a Story With Empathy

Prioritize the Video Hook

I’ve not had any viral hits, but I do happen to create video content that converts. A conversion, in this sense, is convincing people to get off the platform and to our landing pages or website.

One of the most important things, and what all of my most successful videos have in common, is the hook. The first three to five seconds of the video should get people to stop and listen. If you can hook them for the first three seconds, you can hold them for the next 15 seconds.

There are many ways to create good hooks:

  • You can do something out of the ordinary, like jump off a roof or start the video underwater.
  • You can stun them with a contrarian view or stat like, “Listen, if you’re doing social media marketing, then I’m 99% sure you’re doing it wrong. Here’s why,” or, “If you’re watching this on a smartphone, then you’re likely suffering from this condition and don’t even know it.”
  • You can throw a bloopers clip in front of your video and stop right before something intense happens. (I’ve done this and it works well, but use it with caution if your brand is more serious.) I’ve used everything from pausing right before someone falls off a building to pausing right before a train hits a car. It shocks people; then when you pause it, they listen to what you have to say for a few seconds.

Beyond the hook, you should consider switching the angle or the zoom of your video every few seconds, using captions that are exciting (include emojis), and taking advantage of B-roll. All these things serve to break up the video a bit, help illustrate your point, and increase your watch time.

We all know that the algorithms love when you increase watch time.

Daniel Ndukwu, CMO and Co-founder, DoxFlowy

Embrace Defamiliarization

For me, one of the best ways that we keep our videos compelling is by using defamiliarization to disrupt the audience’s expectations.

By taking a relatively familiar concept and presenting it in a new or unexpected way, curiosity is instantly sparked, and the watcher is much more likely to complete the video and take something away from it.

Danny Watkinson, Search Engine Optimization Manager, 20i

Integrate User-Generated Content

I can say from a practical standpoint that integrating user-generated content (UGC) into video campaigns, like encouraging viewers to send their own video clips or responses that are embedded in ongoing video stories on Instagram or TikTok, is a great real-time storytelling strategy.

This is highly effective because it turns everyday consumers into storytellers, content creators, and cast members in your brand’s videos, which helps build community and authenticity. Real people are using, being, enjoying, or interacting with your product or service. It’s basically peer-to-peer exposure marketing that leverages the credibility people place in peer recommendations over slick, corporate advertising “spin.”

UGC in your videos diversifies your content, helps make it credible, and builds camaraderie so that your viewers will identify with your video content more and share it. They will feel empathy, connection, and a stronger “bond” with your brand. They will want to follow your content because they feel like they might be part of it.

Lydia Valentine, Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer, Cohort XIII LLC

Reverse-Engineer Attention

I create compelling video content by reverse-engineering attention.

Instead of starting with the video concept, I begin by analyzing how people interact with content on the platform—whether it’s the first three seconds on TikTok or a YouTube thumbnail.

I focus on what stops the scroll before even touching a camera.

Once I know the specific moments that capture attention, I build the video backward, ensuring every element drives that desired reaction.

It’s like starting with the punchline and building the joke in reverse—attention is earned, not given.

Austin Benton, Marketing Consultant, Gotham Artists

Embrace Artistic Filmmaking

I believe in the power of human creativity and the artistry of filmmaking. After doing video content for the last years, I approach video content creation with a hands-on approach, using high-quality cameras and meticulous editing techniques. My focus is on crafting engaging, on-brand content that resonates with audiences. By staying true to the message and leveraging the unique capabilities of digital platforms, I strive to deliver compelling video experiences that leave a lasting impression.

Richard Tiland, CEO, New Evolution Video

Tell Relatable Stories

Creating compelling video content for digital platforms is all about storytelling that feels personal and relatable.

Forget the typical sales pitch. Dive into the raw emotions of your audience. What are their fears, joys, or everyday struggles? Craft stories that resonate on a personal level. This connection makes your video memorable.

Also, don’t stick to conventional formats. Try mixing genres—combine documentary-style interviews with animation to illustrate points. Or present your content like a cooking show, but instead of food, you’re serving insights. This keeps viewers engaged and curious.

Make sure you use pauses and silence effectively. Sometimes, saying nothing at all can say a lot. Give your audience a moment to absorb what they’ve just seen or heard, letting the gravity of your message sink in.

Last but very important, instead of a typical call to action at the end, weave it into the narrative. Let the action arise organically from the story. For instance, if you’re promoting a product, show how it solves a problem within the story itself, making the viewer want to explore further without feeling sold to.

Raviraj Hegde, SVP of Growth & Sales, Donorbox

Leverage Cognitive Psychology

The science of capturing attention in digital video is rooted in cognitive psychology.

The human brain is wired to respond quickly to visual stimuli, making those first few seconds of a video crucial. That’s why we leverage this knowledge by front-loading our videos with visually striking imagery or emotionally resonant scenes that immediately signal relevance to our target audience.

Understanding the psychology of pain points and aspirations is equally vital in crafting compelling narratives. We tap into a “reward system” by presenting solutions to problems or pathways to desired outcomes early in our videos. This creates a positive feeling that encourages viewers to stick around.

We carefully craft each part of the video to maintain this connection, using techniques that keep viewers curious and engaged throughout. By applying these principles of human psychology, we create videos that not only catch the eye but also resonate deeply with our audience, leading to better engagement and results for our clients.

Aaron Whittaker, VP of Demand Generation & Marketing, Thrive Digital Marketing Agency

Prioritize Story and Production

For our company, there are two key aspects which always lead to high-engagement video content online for any brand:

  1. Production value: You need to have great audio quality, which has been mastered to the correct levels for digital platforms, along with a look and feel that aligns with the audience the brand is targeting. This involves specific color grades, planned transitions and movement, lighting, and camera choice.
  1. A story: This is most important. People want to see people engaged in something, working towards an end goal while going through challenges, or they want to gain insights into who you are as a business. So this could be as simple as a supplier spotlight series, where you showcase the stories of your suppliers, partners, or customers, or showcase a customer story where they used your product to overcome a challenge.

The options are endless, and yes, it takes a little more work; however, the benefits are huge! Depending on the business, you can improve employee retention and acquisition, improve your relationship with suppliers and customers, build your audience and gain new customers, all while building your brand’s perceived value.

Angus Downer, Director, The Ground We Walk On

Combine Storytelling and Strategy

Creating compelling video content combines storytelling, strategy, and technical skills. Here’s how to engage your audience effectively:

  1. Know Your Audience and Platform – Tailor content to audience preferences by understanding their demographics and behaviors. Use short, attention-grabbing videos (15-60 seconds) on platforms like Instagram and TikTok, while YouTube allows for more in-depth content (5-10 minutes).
  1. Start With a Strong Hook – Capture viewers’ attention immediately with a question, statement, or visuals. Show them the value of your content early to keep them engaged.
  1. Tell a Story – Create a clear narrative with a beginning, middle, and end. Whether you’re promoting a product or sharing a testimonial, emotional storytelling resonates best with audiences.
  1. Optimize for Mobile – Since most people watch on mobile devices, use vertical or square formats for platforms like Instagram and TikTok. Add large, readable text and subtitles, as many viewers watch without sound.
  1. Keep It Concise – Keep videos short and punchy. Trim unnecessary content and repurpose longer content into snippets for platforms like Instagram or Twitter.
  1. Include Calls to Action (CTA) – A clear CTA at the end of your video guides viewers on what to do next, such as subscribing or visiting your site. Use clickable links to direct traffic to specific pages.
  1. Focus on Visual and Audio Quality – Use high-quality visuals, good lighting, and clear resolution, especially for product showcases. Music and sound effects should complement, not overpower, your message.
  1. Leverage User-Generated Content and Testimonials – Authentic content featuring real people drives higher engagement. Influencer collaborations can extend your video’s reach and credibility.
  1. Analyze and Optimize – Experiment with video lengths, styles, and messaging. Monitor view-through rates and engagement, then iterate based on what works best.
  1. Consistency Is Key – Post regularly to build trust. A consistent posting schedule and related video series will keep viewers coming back.

By blending creativity and strategy, you can boost engagement, increase brand awareness, and convert viewers into customers.

Yevgeniy Zakharkin, Founder, Keystyle Media

Use Hooks and Trending Audio

To create compelling video content for digital platforms, I focus on using hooks, fresh ideas, and trending audio to capture and retain audience attention. Starting with a strong hook is crucial; within the first few seconds, I aim to grab the viewer’s interest with a question, bold statement, or eye-catching visuals. This sets the tone and encourages viewers to keep watching.

I constantly explore fresh ideas by staying up-to-date with industry trends, audience preferences, and what’s currently performing well on various platforms. Incorporating trending audio is another effective strategy as it can significantly boost engagement by aligning the content with what viewers are already interested in.

For editing, I use CapCut, which offers intuitive tools for quick and professional edits. It allows me to add dynamic transitions, text overlays, and effects that enhance the storytelling and make the video more engaging. By combining these elements—hooks, innovative concepts, trending audio, and seamless editing in CapCut—I create video content that resonates with audiences and performs well across digital platforms.

Corryn Bamber, Owner, Lead Designer, La Vida Design

Know Your Audience

Before you start creating video content, it’s crucial to know your audience. This includes understanding their preferences, pain points, and what type of content resonates with them. Tailoring your videos to meet the needs and interests of your target demographic will significantly enhance engagement.

Different types of videos serve various purposes. Here are some popular formats:

  • How-to Videos: These provide valuable information and can establish your brand as an authority in your niche.
  • Product Videos: Showcase your products in action, highlighting their features and benefits.
  • Short-form Videos: With the rise of platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels, short-form content is becoming increasingly popular. These videos should be engaging and to the point.

A well-thought-out plan is essential. Start with a script that outlines your video’s message and flow. This helps in maintaining focus and ensures that you cover all necessary points without rambling.

Investing in high-quality production is vital. This includes good lighting, clear audio, and professional editing. Poor production quality can detract from your message and turn viewers away. Utilize tools and software that can help enhance your video quality.

Editing is where your video comes to life. Use editing software to cut unnecessary parts, add effects, and ensure a smooth flow. Additionally, optimize your videos for SEO by using relevant keywords in titles, descriptions, and tags to improve visibility on platforms like YouTube.

Once your video is ready, it’s time to promote it. Share it across your digital platforms, including social media, email newsletters, and your website. Engaging with your audience through comments and feedback can also help build a community around your content.

Finally, track the performance of your videos using analytics tools. This will help you understand what works and what doesn’t, allowing you to refine your strategy for future content.

By focusing on these elements, you can create compelling video content that not only captures attention but also drives engagement and conversions on digital platforms.

Bimal Shrestha, Digital Marketer, Agencyboosterpro

Focus on Audience and Value

As a video marketer, creating compelling content for digital platforms is about understanding your audience and delivering value that grabs attention. We focus on crafting videos that not only tell a story but resonate with viewers.

One of the first things we consider is knowing the audience—what are their pain points, needs, and interests? Our goal is to create videos that speak directly to them, whether educating on a topic, showcasing a product, or simply entertaining. Audience-centered videos are more compelling.

Another key factor is keeping content concise and visually engaging. Attention spans on digital platforms are short, so we capture interest within the first few seconds. This means focusing on high-impact visuals, a clear message, and a strong call to action. For example, shorter videos work well for social media, while longer content may suit platforms like YouTube, where viewers invest more time.

Storytelling is essential. Even with short-form videos, having a narrative or emotional hook makes content more relatable. We often ask, “What’s the story behind this brand or message?” People connect with stories, not just products or services. Videos that convey emotion—excitement, inspiration, or empathy—tend to perform better.

We also ensure our videos are optimized for each platform. What works on Instagram may not be effective on LinkedIn, so we adapt the content to fit the format and audience. For instance, vertical videos are great for Instagram Stories, while horizontal formats work better for YouTube. Tailoring the content to the platform ensures it fits seamlessly into the user experience.

Lastly, we focus on sound and visual quality. Even in today’s fast-paced world, viewers expect professionalism. Poor audio or visuals can turn people off quickly, so we ensure every element is polished. That said, authenticity matters too. Sometimes, videos shot on a smartphone can be just as impactful as highly-produced content if the message is clear and engaging.

Ultimately, creating compelling video content is about balancing creativity, strategy, and audience connection. At Innovast, our goal is to produce videos that leave a lasting impression, drive engagement, and align with the overall marketing strategy.

Karen Etchells, Digital Marketing Strategist, Innovast Digital Marketing

Follow a Six-Step Process

We believe that creating compelling video content for your brand is the backbone of any successful digital marketing strategy.

To consistently create engaging videos for our clients, we follow a six-step process designed to resonate with audiences and drive results:

Step 1: We begin by identifying a topic that directly addresses a pain point or presents an intriguing idea that will capture the audience’s interest. The goal is to create content that not only informs but also engages and entertains.

Step 2: Next, we craft a compelling script, focusing heavily on the intro. The first sentence or two needs to grab attention immediately—whether it’s through a bold statement, a provocative question, or an intriguing fact.

Step 3: We then have one of our professional actors bring the script to life, either in one of our studios or in a more natural, authentic setting, depending on the tone and purpose of the video.

Step 4: After filming, our editing team gets to work. We produce multiple versions of the video, typically in 15-, 30-, 60-, and sometimes 90-second variants. Each version is optimized for different platforms, ensuring that the content is repurposed effectively across social media.

Step 5: Once the videos are ready, we post them across all relevant social media platforms. This omnichannel approach maximizes reach and ensures that the content is seen by the right audience.

Step 6: Finally, we run ads targeting the best-performing posts. By focusing on what resonates most with our audience, we amplify the impact of our videos, driving higher engagement and better results for our clients.

This process not only helps us create compelling video content but also ensures that it performs well across digital platforms.

Taylor Walker, Co-Founder & CEO, Growth Spurt

Tell a Story With Empathy

Never forget that you are telling a story. Whether it be a 3-second “hook ad” or a 15-minute mini-documentary, people, as much content as they consume, want to be entertained in a way that they can see a part of themselves in what they’re watching. They want a connection to a brand, product, spokesperson—they want to feel a little bit more than the usual.

For my content, I will never forget the end viewer and what they could be going through. I create a persona of my target audience, give them a name, backstory, set of issues and joys in life, then create a video specifically for them. More times than not, I connect with the right person because I’m able to put myself in their shoes while filming. It’s a beautiful way to connect to someone you’ll never meet, and use your imagination to build a viewer out of nowhere to really hone in on what “content” can be.

Alexander Vicars-Harris, Content Marketing Manager, Botrista

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