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How Green Are Your Consumers? [Infographic]

On April 22 the world celebrated Earth Day. But many consumers try to pay homage to Mother Nature all year long through their purchases. According to Influence Central’s survey of nearly 1,000 women, 47% identify as “very green.” In fact, 99% of this segment would consider themselves “green moms” and 87% always try to use Earth-friendly practices, like relying on DIYs and green cleaning products. In addition, 40% of the women surveyed would consider themselves somewhat green and 68% of all consumers surveyed consider themselves “green moms.”

These consumers are extremely knowledgeable about the products that they purchase. According to Influence Central, 73% of respondents often do research to understand the safety of ingredients exposed to their families and 70% agree that they possess knowledge and expertise about environmentally friendly products. This shouldn’t come as a surprise given that 91% of the study’s participants buy green products because they’re concerned about their family’s health. So, brands definitely have an opportunity to meet consumers’ growing needs.

But have these consumers’ ideals and practices planted a seed inside the minds of marketers? Not only does being eco-friendly better the environment, but it can also benefit their brands’ bottom lines. Consider the following: 79% of the women surveyed are often on the lookout for eco-friendly new products for the home and 68% are always seeking out green cleaning products. What’s more, 72% of respondents purchase foods specifically labeled “natural” or “organic.”

Of course, not every consumer buys with Mother Nature in mind. Fourteen percent of respondents identified as “not at all green.” These consumers, according to Influence Central, are less likely to buy natural products or organic food and more likely to use heavy-duty cleaning products in their homes. In fact, just 16% of this segment follow “Earth-friendly” practices or consider themselves “green moms.” Not surprisingly, Influence Central reports that 75% of these consumers are less likely to have knowledge or expertise about eco-friendly products. 

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