The Offer: Wellington brand Hunter Boots and agency We Are Social had a way to keep people’s spirits up in gloomy weather: a social campaign called “Together Through Any Weather” that encouraged Hunter fans to share photos of themselves based on themes designed to coincide with the daily London forecast. Throughout January Hunter posted themes like “light rain or rainbows,” “clouds,” and “rain/puddles”— which were also featured as the brand’s Facebook cover photo for the day. Fans then uploaded their own photos based on the theme, with clever captions, for the chance to win prizes for the best submitted images, including free pairs of boots, down parkas, or fleece socks.
The Objective: Hunter’s aim was to raise awareness of the brand—and simultaneously up its Facebook engagement—at a time of year when many countries experience their most extreme weather.
The Channel: The campaign lived on Facebook via an app created by We Are Social. Hunter also used Twitter to spread the word and encourage Facebook engagement.
Agency Fast Facts: In addition to Hunter, We Are Social’s client list includes Adidas, Heineken, Expedia, eBay, Intel, and others.
Customer View: While most participants on Facebook enjoyed the contest—comments ranged from “Thanks for such a fantastic, generous competition! Loved seeing all the entries” to “Chuffed to bits, thank you sooo much ”—some fans did experience technical difficulties with the app, with several leaving feedback about getting error messages when attempting to upload photos.