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Integrated Campaign – Bronze

Elections / Consumer campaign

Agency: PKP Proximity
Client: Kurier

With many Austrians sick of politicians acting as if politics were just a game, local daily newspaper Kurier, working with PKP Proximity, created an integrated campaign coinciding with upcoming parliamentary elections. In addition to gaining new readers, Kurier hoped to show its political expertise. The creative focused on a familiar game whose name translates as “Don’t get angry, man,” with the pawns of the game using party colors and the faces of the political can­didates. People were invited to join an online game, “You are Chancellor,” where they could apply to be chancellor, design a pawn, choose a name and add an election pledge to their candidate.

Executive Creative Director
Roman Sindelar

Creative Director
Thomas Tatzl

Art Direction
Lukas Handler

Timo Bidla
Daniel Irsigler

Graphic Design
Jan Belik

Herbert Weber

Get into our space / Consumer campaign

Agency: AIM Proximity, Wellington, New Zealand
Client: Te Papa Tongarewa Museum of New Zealand

Te Papa, New Zealand’s national museum, needed to attract tech-savvy 15- to 20-year-olds to a new multimedia exhibit designed for that group. AIM decided to bring an element of the exhibit, called Our Space, outside in order to attract visitors. People could stand in front of green-screen posters that were put up around town and take a photo of themselves with their mobile phone. The images were sent to Te Papa and senders would instantly receive back a picture showing them in an entirely different setting. Newspaper ads, Bebo ads, an Our Space profile page and a weekly contest for the best photo were used to promote the campaign posters and the exhibit.

Creative Director
Brett Hoskin

Art Director
Mark Dalton

Chris Childerhouse

Head of Digital Art
Terry Williams-Willcock

Head of Digital Strategy
Douglas Lin

Interactive Designer
Stephen Horner

Interactive Developer
Mirko May

Oyster iTunes / Single consumer

Agency: Chemistry Communications Group
Client: Transport for London

Transport for London, the government body respon­sible for London’s transport issues, needed a way to encourage users of Oyster, its electronic ticketing pro­gram, to sign up for its Auto Top-Up service, which automatically deducts a pre-designated amount from a bank account when the card’s value falls below a cer­tain level. Chemistry Communications Group devel­oped an offer for free songs from iTunes with every Auto Top-Up sign-up, to drive customers to an edu­cational microsite. The creative married the Transport for London and iTunes brands by combining music artists’ names with famous London stations. Media included posters and out-of-home ads, while an e-mail blast was sent to high-value Oyster customers.

Copywriting Group Head
Ray Phelps

Executive Creative Director
Mike Cavers

Creative Group Head
Seb Hill

Group account director
Liv McCall

We found each other / Consumer campaign

Agency: Proximity Minneapolis
Client: Edina Realty

Both potential buyers and sellers are reluctant to enter the current US housing market, so Edina Realty teamed up with Proximity Minneapolis to develop a campaign that broke down the usual barriers between the two camps. In order to drive agent referrals, Web site traffic and brand aware­ness, taglines such as “It’s an everyone’s market” and out-of-home ads depicting a buyer and a seller waving to each other from two different roadside billboards, helped Edina show it has the right tools to bring buyers and sellers together. The campaign drove people to a microsite, WeFoundEachOther.com, where both parties found a wealth of infor­mation and could connect with agents.

Creative Director/Writer
Ross Phernetton

Senior Art Director
Allan Peters

Executive Creative Director
Brian Kroening

Chief Creative Officer
Dennis Haley

Senior Copywriter
Zaar Taha

GEICO caveman / Consumer campaign

Agency: Proximity Minneapolis
Client: Edina Realty

Both potential buyers and sellers are reluctant to enter the current US housing market, so Edina Realty teamed up with Proximity Minneapolis to develop a campaign that broke down the usual barriers between the two camps. In order to drive agent referrals, Web site traffic and brand aware­ness, taglines such as “It’s an everyone’s market” and out-of-home ads depicting a buyer and a seller waving to each other from two different roadside billboards, helped Edina show it has the right tools to bring buyers and sellers together. The campaign drove people to a microsite, WeFoundEachOther.com, where both parties found a wealth of infor­mation and could connect with agents.

Creative Director/Writer
Ross Phernetton

Senior Art Director
Allan Peters

Executive Creative Director
Brian Kroening

Chief Creative Officer
Dennis Haley

Senior Copywriter
Zaar Taha


Fancy a drop of Elbe? / Business campaign

Agency: Proximity Germany GmbH
Client: GE Europe NV

Despite being a world leader in technology, GE was faced with low public awareness in Germany. So the company teamed up with Proximity Ger­many GmbH to boost its public profile about GE Ecomagination and its green technologies by building a campaign around water purification. Residents and visitors to Hamburg were first met by the sight of a 15-meter drinking straw in the harbor; then by print and radio ads that encour­aged people to enter a contest on why the straw was there, and directed them to a microsite with additional information. Direct mail drove registra­tions to a business event on water purification,and a later water sampling at Hamburg airport.

Chief Creative Officer
Detlef Rump

Executive Creative Director
Markus Kraatz

Creative Director
Volker Waesch

Management supervisor
Peter Lemke

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