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Internet Promotions Package Offered as Free 30-Day Trial

GoodyQuest is offering Web firms a free 30-day trial of its promotions package that gives viewers the chance to win grand prizes of up to $500 as well as lesser-expensive items.

The company offers two different versions of the application, one called GoodyQuest Games and the other Click and Win. GoodyQuest has one firm using the recently launched applications so far, but would not disclose its name.

GoodyQuest Games are online video games that are designed to take up to a few minutes to complete. The games are easy to win, according to the company, and winners are able to click to see if they won a prize after the game has ended.

The games are updated weekly and feature timely contests. Last week, for instance, one client used a football video game to capitalize on Super Bowl week. GoodyQuest, Bel Air, MD, also plans to offer Valentine’s Day games early next month.

Game participants can be asked to give their e-mail addresses before playing. The e-mail addresses will be collected upon request of the client, according to GoodyQuest. In addition, participants are able to e-mail the games to their friends, a feature designed to increase site traffic as participants never leave the site after beginning the game.

Click and Win is similar to the offline scratch-and-see promotions that have been used by marketers for years. Viewers are offered an instant-win opportunity where they can click on an ad button to immediately find out if they’ve won a prize.

GoodyQuest puts up a different grand prize on a weekly basis for both applications. Typical prizes will be items like camcorders, diamond necklaces, color printers and cash. Marketers can determine how many grand prizes can be given away and at what rate.

Promotional items like coffee mugs and mouse pads can serve as secondary give-a-ways that are awarded at higher rates than the grand prizes.

Interested parties can implement the promotions by registering for the applications at www.goodyquest.com.

GoodyQuest then sends 6 lines of html or java code in an e-mail to the site’s webmaster, who can clip and paste the application into the site. Implementation can be achieved in less than two hours and marks the end of a company’s responsibility for the promotions. GoodyQuest runs the weekly promotions across its network.

The firm also offers tracking of the promotions, as well as design, legal services, rules creation, player data collection and prize fulfillment.

The promotions will appear as private label, said Dave Birk, president of GoodyQuest. He said key benefits for the applications include customer loyalty and site “stickiness.”

“It won’t create unnecessary traffic comprised of prize-seekers,” Birk said. “Our viewpoint is that hordes and hordes of traffic doesn’t necessarily help equate into sales or help your business in the long run. What does it matter to a sports (site) if it ends up with a bunch of people who don’t even like sports?”

The applications are targeted at small-to-mid-size businesses, and each has a floor price of $395 per year once the 30-day trial expires. After that, they scale in cost according to the amount of hits the promotions receive.

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