Just as I was editing a “Technique” feature about lead generation for our May 4 print issue, I got a call from reception that the folks for my 11:30 meeting with Pontiflex, a CPL (cost-per-lead) firm, had arrived. Zephrin Lasker, CEO of Pontiflex, has appeared in the pages of DMNews before (and in the mainstream press thanks to the company’s work with the Obama campaign), but it was interesting to meet him in person and hear more about their strategy. I was particularly interested in his assertion that CPG brands, such as client Kimberly Clark, are more interested in lead generation than they have been in the past — during the recession, they have had to become more accountable in terms of their marketing budget. So having targeted leads whose actions can be measured — whether it’s by downloading a coupon or interacting with the brand’s site — is more important now than ever. Still, he said that explaining the concept of CPL to brands — the idea that instead of paying for clicks and impressions using display ads, they can buy targeted marketing leads — is still a challenge that constantly needs to be overcome with plenty of education. I’m certainly interested in hearing more about CPL from marketers — is this a direct response tool with legs?
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