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Listrak teams up with Goodmail

E-mail marketing services firm Listrak has partnered with Goodmail Systems in order to offer its clients the ability to better their reputation and send CertifiedEmail.

Now, e-mail marketers using the Listrak platform, including Motorola and the Bank of Scotland, will be eligible to have their e-mails certified through Goodmail’s system, which works to avoid being filtered or junked.

Those mailers that meet Goodmail’s mailing standards will be able to deliver e-mail, which is specially identified with the Goodmail’s certification blue-ribbon envelope icon. In order to gain accreditation, senders must follow e-mail best practices and have a low complaint rate.

The Listrak partnership comes as Goodmail has released a new product called CertifiedEmail Paper Suppression, which allows both consumers and businesses — such as financial institutions, utilities, healthcare and insurance companies — to have electronic proof that e-mail notifications such as changes to credit terms, billing policies or delinquent notifications are served and received in the e-mail inbox.

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