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New Google Search Options offers real-time results

Google went live with several new user-friendly search products today, including Google Search Options, which allows users to slice and dice their universal search results by such variables as recency, genre and timeline.

“It’s a powerful different way to look at the Web,” said Marissa Mayer, Google’s VP of search and user experience, during a live Searchology event touting the new search offerings. Google Search Options, she explained, “can narrow down to the last day’s or last week’s Web pages, news and blogs.” The feature is shown in a new search option panel in a left-hand column next search results.

Some are already musing that Google Search Options can be viewed a Google response to Twitter, though Google concentrated solely on the idea that the company is addressing the entire problem of how users can get exactly what they want – and the fact that Google Search Options is taking universal search to the next level.

Other new Google search products launched today include the Wonder Wheel, which creates a visual way of viewing search results; Google Squared, which extracts extra details, values and facts surrounding a query and presents them in an automated spreadsheet form; and Rich Snippets, which shows extra metadata in a search result’s preview text so that users can make more informed clicks.

“These products will help people find more information and do more with it,” said Mayer. “These are entirely new paradigms in search to explore and are themes Google will continue to build on, offering more interactivity and ways to analyze results.”

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